Original/Butternut Squash Pan Cake

yaiyaichew-pancake yaiyaichew-pancake1 yaiyaichew-pancake2 yaiyaichew-pancake3 yaiyaichew-pancake4

Original or butternut squash Pan Cake
100g cake flour, shifted
3 tbsp sugar , shifted
1 tbsp Corn starch ,shifted
1/2 tbsp baking powder, shifted
A pinch of salt , shifted
1 egg
100ml milk
1tbsp cooking oil

*1/4 butternut squash purée (u can refer to simple n easy way to mk butternut squash)

Shift the all dry ingredients together in a big bowl and then mix well with a whisk seat a side . Then bit one egg in a difference bowl add 100ml of milk to mix well, then separate to 3 batch to add the dry ingredients in and mix till combined then just put the cooking oil n mix well, cover with plastic wrap n leave a side for 5 minutes. Meanwhile heat the non stick pan over low heat for few second n brush on a layer of butter/oil, pour the ladle of the battle onto a pan, turn the other side when bubbles appear on the surface then cook for a minute until browned on the other side repeat the step until complete the rest . Yup! It’s done! You can serve with placing a butter on top n honey or any favorite fruits n topping that u like !

*For butternut squash pan cake very easy ,just put any purée before the step of cooking oil then following by all the step go on ! Ta-Da !That’s it! Not complicated at all ! To suggest mummies can mk a mini size pan cake easy for ur lo to eat :)
I did this way when I m making butternut squash n my lo finished all just a few second ! Hope your little one love this too ^^